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2025年03月21日 星期五


  • 2.2 6SE6440-2UC22-2BA1#技术说明

  • 品牌:欧美品牌
  • 规格:
  • 产地:欧美
  • 更新时间:2022-03-11
  • 联系方式

    13376990653  /  0591-83489960-80

    小夏 先生(经理

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 2.2 6SE6440-2UC22-2BA1
2.2 6SE6440-2UC22-2BA1

ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.

Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.

Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.

With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!

Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323  We’re looking forward to your visit.

PR electronics丹麦3532 Valve positioin transmitter
PR electronics丹麦4114 Universal transmitter
PR electronics丹麦4116 Universal transmitter
PR electronics丹麦4131 Universal trip amplifier
PR electronics丹麦4222 Universsl If converter
PR electronics丹麦4501 Display programmingfront
PR electronics丹麦4590 ConfigMate
PR electronics丹麦5102 RTD transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5104A Repeater power supply
PR electronics丹麦5104B Ex repeater power supply
PR electronics丹麦5105B Ex-isolated driver
PR electronics丹麦5106A HART transparent repeater
PR electronics丹麦5106B HART transparent repeater
PR electronics丹麦5107B HART transparent driver
PR electronics丹麦5111** Universal transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5114A Programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5114B Programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5115A Signal calculator
PR electronics丹麦5115B Signal calculator
PR electronics丹麦5116A Programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5116B Programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5131A 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5131B 2-wire programmable transmitter
丹麦PR electronics
PR electronics丹麦5132** 2-wire transmitter-repeater
PR electronics丹麦5202B Pulse isolator
PR electronics丹麦5203B Ex solenoid alarm driver
PR electronics丹麦5222** Programmable If converter
PR electronics丹麦5223A Programmable fI-ff converter
PR electronics丹麦5223B Programmable fI-ff converter
PR electronics丹麦5225 Programmable fI-ff converter
PR electronics丹麦5331A 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5331D 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5333A 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5333D 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5334A 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5334B 2-wire programmable transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5335A 2-wire transmitter with HART protocol
PR electronics丹麦5335D 2-wire transmitter with HART protocol
PR electronics丹麦5343A 2-wire level transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5343B 2-wire level transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5350A PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION Fieldbus transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5350B PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION Fieldbus transmitter
PR electronics丹麦5420B Ex power supply
PR electronics丹麦5511** Universal indicator
PR electronics丹麦5514** Programmable LED indicator
PR electronics丹麦5515** Programmable LCDLED indicator
PR electronics丹麦5531A Loop-powered LCD indicator
PR electronics丹麦5531B Loop-powered LCD indicator
丹麦PR electronics专家解读:如何看待污水处理厂成摆设问题污水处理厂竟成污染源,让人看了觉得心中不爽。我们不禁要问负有净化功能的环保设施,咋就成了一堆摆设?表面上看,运营成本高、管网配套滞后、设计规划不合理等多方面原因直接导致了一些污水处理厂吃不饱,用不起。但细究之下不难发现,污水处理厂成摆设根在发展理念错位。一直以来,生态建设存在有理念共识,无实际作为的现实窘境。多地方在经济利益、前途的考量下,经济增量是位的,保护环境仅作为一种权衡手段,沦为了空头口号,即使有行动,大多也是应景之作。



  • 联系人: 小夏 先生
  • 位: 经理
  • 话: 0591-83489960-8004
  • 机: 13376990653
  • 真: 0591-83489960



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  • 资质公示 中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市高新区乌龙江大道万山大厦中海德10楼
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色